INTERsoft-IntelliCAD is a breakthrough version of the CAD software for creating 2D/3D technical documentation in the DWG format.
Powerful tool for precise drawing. The new graphics interface ensures intuitive work and does not interfere in the CAD designer’s habits.
What’s new in INTERsoft-INTELLICAD 2024 ?

Input of axial lines into circles and indicated parallel or any lines.
Introduced saving from dwg file to IFC format (works for AEC objects).
Block scaling introduced.
Introduced Spline CV and Extract issoline curves and curve support in the 3D ribbon.
SUPERHATCH function that allows areas to be filled with a texture loaded from a file. Hatches an area using a selected image object, block object, external reference object or cover object.
Correction of driver support for dedicated virtual pdf printer.
OpenGL ES graphics driver set as default in the program.
Quick Properties window of the element, their settings in Drawing Settings and the Quick Properties panel settings in Customize.
Introduced a characteristic point – Geometric Centre.
Saving a table to a CSV spreadsheet format.
AEC style manager, level manager and level tools, multi-pitch roof and floor editor and configurator.
Quick Trim function.
Important Features